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Website Maintenance + Content Update 

Website Maintenance Services is performing regular checking on an existing website for issues and errors and performing the content update to make sure the data is updated to date and relevant to your current business.

Making sure the website is running well and content relevant is very important for any business or blogs. Website healthiness needs to upkeep because we cannot assume your website will run well and stays relevant after a long period it is published. Problems ranging from website security, SEO optimization, content out-of-date and design out-of-date need to be sorted regularly.

Gold IT

Main reason to have Website Maintenance Services

Website Security

Security: The most important reason for website maintenance especially for eCommerce website, because without a secure website, your customer data can be leak and exposed to malicious activities. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) of any website need to renew yearly (if not configure for auto-renew). If you using WordPress, Joomla or other CMS, plugins need to be updated regularly in order to maintain functionalities and prevent a malicious attack on your website.

Content Update

Content Update: Better content drives more traffic. Updated information also helps build domain authority. Good domain authority will improve Google SEO ranking dramatically. For instance, has one of the highest Domain authorities, because it’s content is always well researched, reviewed by editors, and you’re not distracted with unsightly or unrelated ads.

SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization: Google introduces SEO algorithm regularly in order to serve searcher better. In order to be rank on Google, (Check out our SEO Guide for 2020) these new rules must be fulfilled. In conclusion, the content update is essential in order to be ranked on Google.

Design Update

Design Update: Website maintenance may also include design update. Design update is very important because because it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. The impression you make on them can either get them to remain on your page and learn about your business or leave your page and turn to a competitor.